Recent News 10/14/2021: Our Paper "A Real-Time virtIO-based Framework for Predictable Inter-VM Communication is accepted at 42nd IEEE RTSS 2021 conference.     08/21/2021: Our Paper "Real-Time Task Scheduling for Machine Perception in Intelligent Cyber-Physical Systems" is accepted at IEEE Transcations on Computers.     06/28/2021: Successfully defended my Ph.D.   05/10/2021: Our Paper "An Analyzable Inter-Core Communication Framework for High-Performance Multicore Embedded Systems" is accepted at Journal of Systems Architecture.     01/17/2021: Our Paper "SchedGuard: Protecting against Schedule Leaks Using Linux Containers" is accepted at RTAS 2021.      12/04/2020: E-WarP wins Best Student Paper Award at IEEE RTSS 2020 conference.      12/04/2020: Our Paper "On Removing Algorithmic Priority Inversion from Mission-critical Machine Inference Pipelines" won Best Paper Award at IEEE RTSS 2020 conference.       11/05/2020: Our Papers "E-WarP" and "On Removing Algorithmic Priority Inversion from Mission-critical Machine Inference Pipelines" are among the Outstanding Papers at RTSS 2020.       09/14/2020: Two papers accepted at RTSS conference.      5/12/2020: Our US patent on "Scratchpad-Based Operating System for Multi-Core Embedded Systems" has been granted.      04/06/2020: Passed my Prelim Exam.

Rohan Tabish

           I received my Ph.D. from the Department of Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. My research interests are in real-time and embedded systems. In particular, my research focuses on ensuring predictability of real-time tasks running on commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) homogeneous multi-core processors and heterogeneous multiprocessors system-on-a-chip (MPSoCs) for safety-critical automotive and avionics applications. I have recently been exploring neural networks (NN) based software stacks to build real-time and safe AI for autonomous driving.
            My work at the IEEE RTAS'16 conference received the Best Presentation Award. Similarly, the work at the IEEE ECRTS'19 conference was nominated for Best Paper Award. Recently, two works at IEEE RTSS 2020 conference won the Best Student Paper Award and Best Paper Award. During my Ph.D. at UIUC, I was a recipient of the Sara and Sohaib Abbasi Fellowship (2016-2021). In 2017, I was one of the finalists of the Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship Award (QInF). Before joining Illinois, I worked at Qatar University as a Research Associate on ubiquitous healthcare systems, where I won third prize as Best Researcher Award for the year 2013. From 2009 until 2012, I was employed as a Design Engineer and later as a Senior Design Engineer at a research and development company building software-defined radios (SDRs).

I am currently on the job market. Please reach out if you have one.


A real-time virtIO-based Framework for Predictable Inter-VM Communication

In 42nd IEEE RTSS 2021 (2021).

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Real-Time Task Scheduling for Machine Perception in Intelligent Cyber-Physical Systems

IEEE Transcations on Computers (2021).

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An Analyzable Inter-Core Communication Framework for High-Performance Multicore Embedded Systems

Journal of Systems Architecture, Elsevier, 2021

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SchedGuard: Protecting against Schedule Leaks Using Linux Containers

In Proceedings of 27th IEEE Conference on Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS) 2021, TN, USA

Artifact Evaluation Badge

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On Removing Algorithmic Priority Inversion from Mission-critical Machine Inference Pipelines

In Proceedings of 41st IEEE Real Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2020), Houston, USA

Outstanding Paper and Best Paper Award

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E-WarP: A System-wide Framework for Memory Bandwidth Profiling and Management

In Proceedings of 41st IEEE Real Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2020), Houston, USA 

Outstanding Paper and Best Student Paper Award

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SCE-Comm: A Real-Time Inter-Core Communication Framework for Strictly Partitioned Multi-core Processors

In 2020 9th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO), pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2020   

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A Real-Time Scratchpad-centric OS with Predictable Inter/Intra-Core Communication for Multicore Embedded Systems

Real-Time System 55, no. 4 (RTSJ 2019): 850-888, Springer, US

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Designing Mixed Criticality Applications on Modern Heterogeneous MPSoC Platforms

In Proceedings of 31st IEEE Euromicro Conferrence on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS2019), Stuttgart, Germany

Nominated for Best Paper Award 

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Segment Streaming for the Three-Phase Execution Model: Design and Implementation

In Proceedings of 40th IEEE Real Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2019), York, UK

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Restart-Based Fault Tolerance: System Design and Schedulability Analysis

In Proceedings of 23rd IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA), 2017

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A Reliable and Predictable Scratchpad-centric OS for Multicore Embedded Systems

In Proceedings of 23rd IEEE International Conference on Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS) 2017, Pittsburgh, USA

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System-Level Software Fault Tolerance Through Full System Restarts

In Proceedings of 8th IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems ICCPS 2017, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania USA

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A Real-Time Scratchpad-Centric OS for Multi-Core Embedded Systems

In Proceedings of 22nd IEEE Intenational Conference on Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS) 2016, Vienna, Austria

Best Presentation Award

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Predictability on Homogeneous Multicore Processors and Heterogeneous MPSoCs

The use of multi-core processors for safety-critical avionic applications is regulated by the Federal Aviation Authority because of contention on the shared resources. This research direction explores solutions to ensure the predictability of real-time tasks in a multicore environment. The goals here are to provide solutions that are: backward's compatible; offer better WCET; isolation; and certifiability.

A Real-Time Scratchpad-Centric OS for Multi-Core Embedded Systems Designing Mixed Criticality Applications on Modern Heterogeneous MPSoC Platforms A Real-Time SPM-Centric OS with Predictable Inter/Intra-Core Communication for Multicore Embedded Systems E-WarP: A System-wide Framework for Memory Bandwidth Profiling and Management Segment Streaming for the Three-Phase Execution Model: Design and Implementation SCE-Comm: A Real-Time Inter-Core Communication Framework for Strictly Partitioned Multi-core Processors

Fault Tolerance and Reliability

Recovery mechanisms to the software failures shall be incorporated in the system at the design time such that they can be triggered without jeopardizing the system's safety. My relevant publications on the topic can be found here:

A Reliable and Predictable Scratchpad-centric OS for Multicore Embedded Systems System-Level Software Fault Tolerance Through Full System Restarts Restart-Based Fault Tolerance: System Design and Schedulability Analysis SchedGuard: Protecting against Schedule Leaks Using Linux Containers

Real-Time and Safe AI

The current neural network-based vision stacks in the machine inference pipelines for autonomous driving do not differentiate between critical and non-critical objects/data leading to priority inversion. The goal of this project is to build attention-aware safe AI. My relevant publications on the topic can be found here:

On Removing Algorithmic Priority Inversion from Mission-critical Machine Inference Pipelines


  • 2016-2021

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA

    Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering

  • 2014-2016

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA

    Master's in Computer Science and Engineering

  • 2005-2009

    University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila

    B.Sc in Electrical Engineering with Specialization in Telecommunications


  • Best Paper Award at IEEE RTSS 2020

  • Best Student Paper Award at IEEE RTSS 2020

  • Two papers among the Outstanding Papers at IEEE RTSS 2020

  • US Patent number 10,649,914 on SPM-Centric OS has been awarded in May 2020

  • Outstanding Paper Award at ECRTS 2019 Conference

  • Finalist at Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship Award 2017

  • Best Presentation Award at IEEE RTAS 2016 conference

  • Sara and Sohaib Abbasi Fellowship Award (2016-2021)

